Anarchist Terms and Conditions

Section 1 : Mission and Purpose of the Terms and Conditions

The purpose of the terms and conditions is to define what is acceptable usage of the website and what is unacceptable usage of the website. By using this service, you agree to all of these terms and conditions of service.

Section 2 : Table of Contents

Our terms and conditions are organized into the following sections :

Section 3 : Intellectual Property

We maintain the following terms and conditions regarding intellectual property :

Section 4 : Prohibited Activity

The following activity is prohibited throughout the site :

Section 5 : Limited Liability Policy

In no event shall , nor any of its officers, directors and collaborators, shall be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this Website whether such liability is under contract. , including its officers, directors and collaborators shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this website.

Section 6 : Governing Law Policy

These terms and conditions will be regulated by and interpreted in accordance with the established law of :

San Francisco, California, USA

Section 7 : Third Party Websites

We do not take any responsibility for material or content appearing on third-party websites that are linked to by :

Section 8 : Behavior Policy

In interactions with all other users, including those affiliated or not affiliated with the site, you are expected to be bound by the Anarchist Code of Conduct. Find out more at:

Section 9 : Agreement Policy

By using this website, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions of use.

Section 10 : Violation Policy - What to do if you find a violation of these terms and conditions

If you find a violation of these terms and conditions, then you are encouraged to reach out to us.

Contact Us

Section 11 : User Termination Policy

If you fail to uphold the basic, expected standards of the Anarchist Code of Code, then we reserve the right to terminate your user account and all data associated with it.

Section 12 : How is the text of these terms of service licensed?

This terms and conditions document is licensed under the following terms...

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC-BY License)